RED/GREEN Reading Sheets

These Red Green Reading sheets provide excellent feedback and training for amblyopic and strabismus patients. They make therapy fun. The sheets can be used with many different red/green anaglyph exercises and glasses including our Red/Green Anti-Supression Goggles. Employed together, the cancellation is excellent. These durable sheets are formed with pressure to prevent delaminating and sharp edges. The sheets can be cleaned with rubbing alchohol, however, do not use a paper towl as it can scratch the surface. We recommend using a soft lens cloth.



These Red Green Reading sheets provide excellent feedback and training for amblyopic and strabismus patients. They make therapy fun. The sheets can be used with many different red/green anaglyph exercises and glasses including our Red/Green Anti-Supression Goggles. Employed together, the cancellation is excellent. These durable sheets are formed with pressure to prevent delaminating and sharp edges. The sheets can be cleaned with rubbing alchohol, however, do not use a paper towl as it can scratch the surface. We recommend using a soft lens cloth.

We recommend our 5919R Light  Red Green glasses for use with these Red Green reading sheets to insure excellent “cancellation”.

Two Sizes are offered:

Half Page is 7.5 inches (21.6 cm) tall with 4 stripes running veritcally.

Full Page is 8.5 x 11 inches(21.6 x 28cm)